Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Kwan Yang 2

Kwan Yang 1

Kwan Jun 3

a totally different look...

Kwan Jun 2

this one looks like a magazine shot...
this one is my personal fave...

Sentosa Photo Shoot - Kwan Jun 1

Fren took these during our X'mas day photo shoot at Sentosa... Really shacked out that day.... Only went a few fountains... Siloso beach, Palawan Beach... and the southern most point of the Asian continent... Fren took 2 rolls of film... Hope the photos turn good enough for ah-ber... Hee...

Turned out that Kwan Jun's father sold some equipment to my fren before.... what a small small world.... :)

My Fave Things...

Finally managed to find some pics that i took with my hp while clearing my laptop... I took these while on the road... on the way to work... in the US...

Bad weather in the US...

pics coming up...

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Jang Dong Gun Look-a-like competition

Kwan Jun , despite being only 3 yrs old, took part in the competition with 4 other adults. He had to wear a wig and say a dialogue from the movie. He did it very well! And he heard the script lines only a few times! He won the competition too!!! Prize is a JVC video cam! Click here for a video clip of the Look-a-like competition finals!

More coming up!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Kaneshiro Takeshi

My sis went to the press conference and the premiere for Takeshi's new movie... When she came back... all she said was "ta hen shuai... ta hen shuai... ta zhen de hen shuai..." Too bad she is not used to my camera.... only managed to take these stills from the movie clip that she took...